The Postural Restoration Podcast
The Postural Restoration® Podcast welcomes professionals from various Healthcare and Fitness settings, discussing the use of the science of Postural Restoration® and how it is implemented within these fields. This includes interviews with PRI faculty members, Postural Restoration Certified™ (PRC) providers, Postural Restoration Trained™ (PRT) providers and many other integrative specialists. I invite you to join us, as we review how the science of Postural Restoration® is successfully being applied and utilized by these featured guests.
The Postural Restoration Podcast
Episode 17: PRI Japan - コロナに負けるな!PRIに関する質問、大募集!Part 4
PRI Japan Presents "Ask us anything about PRI!" while staying at home.
- Q&A zoom session by PRI Japan Faculty Part 4 -
Q.16 何らかの制限でPRIエクササイズがやりにくい時、どうしたらいい?
Q.17 PRIを簡潔に説明して、モチベーションを維持して続けてもらうには?
Q.18 スーペリアT4の治療介入がしっくりこない、、、
PRI Japan